Thursday, January 24, 2019

Meiosis Modeling Activity Essay

scene InformationMeiosis is the puzzle out by which eukaryotic beings produce ballock and sperm having half the genetic information (haploid) of the opposite jail cellular telephones in the organisms body (diploid). You will notice round similarities to mitosis but some definite differences in pupillary reflex that result in genetic motley in the gametes as well as the offspring formed by the eventual fusion of the egg and sperm.Two of the most noted differences in meiosis are that 1) there are deuce complete divisions resulting in cardinal daughter cells and, 2) meiosis has crossing over, an even that occurs in Prophase I that increases genetic variation in the gametes. Crossing over occurs between homological chromosomes. These are the pairs of chromosomes in an organisms body that campaign genes for the same trait turn up at identical positions on the two chromosomes. Even though they carry the same gene they may, however, possess different alleles for the gene which result in different forms of the trait.Pre-Lab1. Draw a tetrad in the space infra and research laboratoryel the following centromeres, babe chromatids, homological chromosomes.2. What are the two elements of meiosis that add variation to our population? (Hint unity occurs in prophase I and the former(a) in metaphase I).3. Which of the chromosomes 2-5 could be homologous with chromosome 1? apologise your answer. I recover weigh 5 because it is the exact same as 1.Lab1. beginning(a) view the recording on my message board under secondary Learning Materials for this lab. You will need the code words from the recording for atomic number 53 of your conclusion questions. Link to recordinghttp// 2. After you have viewed the recording, gather your compulsory materials. You will need 4 forks, 4 knives, 4 spoons, 6 preventative bands, and some twine or gearing to use as cell membrane. If you can have two different types of flatware that w ould be beat (for example 2 forks, 2 knives, and 2 spoons that are different than the other set of 2 forks, 2 knives, and 2 spoons). 3. Your model cell consists of 6 chromosomes (3 homologous pairs). Use the string to form the cell membrane for your cell(s). let down with two forks, two knives, and two spoons (one of individually from each set) inside your string cell membrane as shown in the recording. Proceed through each of the steps of meiosis using your flatware chromosomes. Use the textbook pages 324-325 for help. sortModelingInterphaseReplicate the DNA of your chromosomes by adding a second fork, knife, or spoon to each existing fork, knife, and spoon. Hold each pair of chromatids unneurotic with a rubber band (centromere). Prophase ICreate tetrads (XX) by junction homologous chromosomes (set them next to each other). Model crossing over as best you can given the model we are using. Metaphase I descent up your tetrads along the metaphase plate. Model free lance assortm ent. Anaphase IMove the homologous chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell. Telophase IYou should have three chromosomes, knife, fork, and spoon, (each composed of two chromatids) in each of your two nuclei. Cytokinesis IDivide your cell membrane so that you have two daughter cells (two string circles for cells). Prophase IICheck to compensate sure that each of your two cells contains three chromosomes made up of sister chromatids. Metaphase IILine your chromosomes up along the middle of each of your cells. Anaphase IISeparate your sister chromatids (remove rubber band holding them together). Move one sister chromatid from each chromosome to opposite sides of your cell. Telophase IIYou should now have four nuclei, with three single chromosomes in each of the cells. Cytokinesis IIDivide your cell membranes so that you have four daughter cells (use more string).Data quest 3 photos or create 3 drawings of your model as it looked in 3 different stages of meiosis as described in th e disconcert above. Indicate which stage of meiosis is shown in each photo/drawing. include the photos or a scan of the sketches when you upload your lab to the drop box. certainty (6 points)1. List the two code words that were given in the lab recording found on my message board.Chromosomes and fertilization????2. Does mitosis more well resemble meiosis I or meiosis II? Explain your answer.More like Meiosis I because it only made two cells.3. What is crossing over? When does it occur during meiosis? Why did you have clog modeling this element of meiosis using your chromosomes?Crossing over is the process in which homologous chromosomes exchange portions of their chromatids during meiosis. It occurs during prophase I. I had a hard eon because you cant really change the chromosomes so it was difficult to show.4. come back about your modeling. Visually, what is the major difference between the separation of chromosomes between anaphase I and anaphase IIThere were four to separat e then just two.5. What is independent assortment? When does it occur during meiosis? Howdid you model this element of meiosis?6. Which routine of meiosis, meiosis I or meiosis II, is responsible for reducing the chromosome number by half in the cell? MEIOSIS II

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